2023-2024 Rules

Nick was able to get the rancher to agree to the hunt schedule that we used a few years ago with some modifications.

The season will start whenever we get water, and Nick gives us the okay to start hunting.  (As of December 8, 2023, we all have enough water and can begin).  

On the schedule, red squares represent the North blind hunt days. Yellow squares represent the South blind hunt days. Green squares represent both blinds' hunt days. 

Hunting will be allowed from shoot time (morning) until 2:00 PM on all days.  You must be out of the field by 2 PM (not leaving your blind by 2 PM).  

EXCEPTION for Wind Days as of Saturday, December 9th: 

Now, on "Storm Days," defined as days with a wind of 10 MPH or more, you may hunt until the lawful quit time for that day and be in the field past 2 PM.  Rain or fog do not designate a "Storm Day."  There must be a wind of 10 MPH or greater. 

Blind Designations

North Blinds: 
  • Any blind labeled with an "N" after the number; 
  • Blind 2; and 
  • Blind 10
South Blinds: 
  • Any blind labeled with an "S" after the number; 
  • Blind 3; and 
  • Blind 11

Additional Rules:

1.  Guests must be with a member at all times

2.  No more than one guest is allowed at a time per member

3.  NO SKY SCRAPING. Let the birds work. 

4.  DO NOT USE ROADS MARKED CLOSED (other than on foot).  

5.  YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO HUNT THE BLIND YOU LEASED. NO BLIND JUMPING, unless, of course, you are hunting with the member leasing the blind in which you are a guest.  

6.  Absolutely NO OUTSIDE STRAW can be used on the checks or around the blinds because outside straw can introduce disease. No straw is allowed because of the difficulty of cleaning up the compacted straw in the spring. 

7.  No wooden stakes, steel stakes, cables, or chains are allowed on the check or blinds because stakes and cables have caused damage to machinery in the Spring.

8.  At the end of the season, all personal property must be cleaned up from the blinds, checks, and fields. This includes damaged decoys that have broken free and floated away.  Blinds and fields will be inspected, and if clean-up is required, blind captains will be billed.

9.  All members of your blind must complete releases. IF THEY HAVEN'T COMPLETED RELEASE FORMS, THEY CAN NOT HUNT THE BLIND.

10.  Any member who violates these rules will be done for the season with NO REFUND!

If any of you have any questions, have your blind captain contact Nick directly.   

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